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Hidden or neglected info that would cause regrets.
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Discover possible concerning factors about the house and its physical and social environment nearby

Reveal usually untold information about the house and its nearby

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Current users mainly include home buyers and buyer agents

HousesInsider is so comprehensive and convenient for me as a buyer, an effort savior and unique information source that I can trust! I never thought there were so many possible concerning factors to consider and untold pitfalls as well, some of them even my experienced agent would never or unable to tell me.


Home Buyer

I truly regret buying my current house. Even when I drove around the house to check the environment, the surrounding environment was still quiet and comfortable. However, I did not notice that there is a large factory a little further away. Every night, that factory has lots of emission of harmful air that drives me crazy. Recently I decided to move and am looking to buy another house.
Fortunately, I found HousesInsider, which reveals a wide range of potential concerning factors to look after in one user friendly page. I hope I will find my new house this time without regrets.


Home Buyer

Occasionally my agent made me feel like reaching a deal is more important for him rather than finding the best and no-regret house fitting my expectations, which is understandable, but thus myself still needs to spend lots of effort in looking for information in many various websites as well go through the hundreds of pages of PDF reports of the houses sent by the agents although I may not buy the house eventually.
Then someday I ran into HousesInsider, which is a blast, with several clicks, it provides me an amazing wide range of insider and unique information and visualized maps about my picked home and its nearby physical as well social environment.


Home Buyer

There is some extremely valuable information on this website that I never even thought about, or I don’t know where to find it. Moreover, I cannot always think of these pitfalls and remind my customers. Thank you for summarizing these potential risks or concerns throughout the home searching process!
With HousesInsider, I can serve my customers much better and I will definitely recommend HousesInsider as an essential home-buying step to my customers as well.


Buyer Agent

Sometimes, when my customers go to see the house or after they move in the house, they will find things they really don't like nearby, which not only wastes a lot of time for both me and them, and also if my customer bought them, they regret after they move in and then have a lot of complaints that affect my work review and reputation.
I will definitely recommend the site to my clients and encourage them to take a quick look before going to see the house so as to avoid seeing houses that they won’t consider or won’t buy, which improve efficiency for them and me, and also help generate better outcomes for them and myself.


Buyer Agent

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